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Why NovaLearn is our go-to online learning platform for holistic education.



Jan 05, 2024

Online courses are hugely beneficial resources for your child to learn and grow outside of school. With a plethora of learning platforms available on the internet, it can be difficult and overwhelming trying to find the best fit for your little one. Introducing NovaLearn, a gamified, award-winning e-learning platform designed to offer a holistic education to children anytime, anywhere.

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What is NovaLearn?

NovaLearn is an e-learning platform designed to be used at home and in the classroom, offering engaging and effective after-school education content for students aged five to 12. Within the NovaHome space, little ones can browse through a collection of over 75 courses spanning subjects such as STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics), English, and Mandarin, designed to also teach skills such as critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and emotional intelligence.

NovaLearn’s Future-Ready courses teach important life skills not always featured in school curricula, such as internet safety and budgeting. It is safe to say your little one is guaranteed a complete learning experience with NovaLearn!

Why choose NovaLearn?

A few unique features ensure that NovaLearn stands out from the many online learning platforms available.

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1 Certified and accredited courses

Your child is in safe and capable hands when it comes to growing with NovaLearn. All courses are specially designed by certified educators at the forefront of the industry. NovaLearn’s courses also adhere to international standards such as the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), while even incorporating the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals into its lesson plans!

2 Quality edutainment videos

NovaLearn offers interactive and engaging learning materials for every lesson. Bite-sized videos are produced by its in-house creative team and feature fun and educational content that promotes a love of learning while keeping children entertained.

3 Gamification

NovaLearn programmes allow children to play while they learn, keeping them engaged and motivated through gamification. Learners will create their own profile with a bespoke avatar as they begin their learning journey, earn XP as they complete each course, and level up the more they learn.

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4 Hands-on learning

Despite being an e-learning platform, NovaLearn’s courses encourage students to interact with the world around them as they learn. Enacting projects allow children to use materials from their daily lives in creative and innovative ways as they follow the guidance available in videos.

5 Collaboration

Access to NovaLearn includes an online forum for students to discuss, collaborate on projects, and seek help from each other, creating a safe and supportive environment that fosters a positive outlook on education.

6 Self-paced learning

Children take the lead with NovaLearn’s flexible and personalised learning journeys. Each student can progress at his or her own pace, further promoting self-discipline and time-management skills.

How to get involved

Parents know their kids best! If you want to give NovaLearn a try, sign up for a free trial account now! This gives you, parents, and your offspring the exclusive opportunity to experience the platform’s newest features. You can also follow NovaLearn on social media for the latest updates on new courses, workshops, and holiday camps.

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If you’re an educator at school or other learning institutions, request a consultation with NovaLearn if you are interested in bringing its after-school programme, NovaClass, to your classrooms. An extension of NovaHome, NovaClass brings the dynamic courses of NovaLearn to life with blended online and offline learning, hands-on activities at after-school workshops, and holiday courses. Currently, three tailored programmes are available for local schools: STEAM; Digital Media, covering stop-motion animation, filmmaking, AR, and VR; and Emerging Tech.

If you want to bring more creativity into your classroom, you’ll be excited to learn that students participating in the NovaClass Digital Media filmmaking course have a chance to participate in the NovaFlicks: Young Visionaries’ Film Festival taking place in June 2024! Promoting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, students are asked to address global issues via storytelling in their film projects.

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